Transitional Delights, Four Years later

(As we approach the election I thought it might be interesting to share a project I undertook during the transition after the 2016 presidential election. A slideshow of the images from Transitional Delights (2016-2017) follows the text, which is excerpted from a longer essay.) The needle danced and bounced on…


First Light With the Fuji 50mm f/1.0

(This post is part of a series of posts reviewing the Fuji 50mm f/1.0 lens.) "First light" is a phrase from the astronomy community, usually referring to the first road-test image taken with a newly-built telescope, but it is also used more casually by the non-professional astronomer to refer to…


Every Mention of Ansel Adams in the New York Times in the 1930s

(Note: This article is part of a series.) August 17, 1930Santa Fe Has Its Own Architecture. Inspired by Indians and Spanish, It Is Now of Frankly Modern Type. By Mildred Adams."Santa Fe has developed a style of architecture all its own, so distinctive that people are beginning to speak of…


New Magic? First Look With the Fast Fuji 50mm f/1.0

(This post is part of a series of posts reviewing the Fuji 50mm f/1.0 lens.) The new Fuji 50mm f/1.0 lens is here—what is it like? With any super-fast lens your expectations are that it will be huge, with a triple-digit filter diameter. And the lens is big, just not…


There It Is, the Fuji 50mm f/1.0

(This post is part of a series of posts reviewing the Fuji 50mm f/1.0 lens.) If you were designing a lens what would you do? Ahead of you is a line of trees, planted in a straight row. They form the top of a “T”, you stand at the bottom…


New Work: Fools

I've undertaken a series of projects in the last four years centered on the Trump presidency, starting with the early debates in 2016 (or was it 2015?). Nothing is especially photoshopped here--the weird spiraling colors are from interference patterns, layers of them, caused by the digital nature of the camera…


The Owls of Montara Mountain

In March came the virus but also came the owls. Two fuzzy-white great horned owls. At first we thought they were alone in the nest near the ranger's house. I happened to have a camera with me with a powerful zoom and made an image of their faces peering wide-eyed…


Was Ansel Adams A Landscape Photographer?

If you google "greatest landscape photographer" and expect to hit a link for Ansel Adams you would be wrong. You get a page of click-bait links, all with numbers in the titles: 25 Best Landscape Photographers Of All Time, The Best landscape Photographers You Need to Follow in 2020, 15…