Looking Around In Infrared

When I received my converted Fuji XT3 back at Christmas, transformed into an infrared camera, the first thing I did was to walk around the neighborhood with it looking at the world in this new light. What first strikes you, looking through through the viewfinder, are the classic telltale signs…


San Pedro Mountain Road

Each Christmas I send members of my family a photograph. This year I made a set of six small images and wrote a text to accompany the photographs. When we moved to California in 2004, Lori and I looked all over the area south of San Francisco for a place…


Albrecht Dürer was a Photographer

(This is part of series looking back at posts I wrote a decade ago. First published on November 4, 2011.)  If Albrecht Dürer were alive today he would be a photographer. I’m sure of it. I’ve been a fan of Durer’s work for many years and have always felt he…


Towers From An Ancient Tropical Sea

This post is from a series of articles chronicling a 2020 cross-country trip with my wife and two daughters and a boyfriend, from California to Ohio (to visit family) and Pennsylvania (to drop off my oldest daughter at grad school), and then back. We spent over five weeks on the road…

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Small Concussions In the Distance

I've driven across the United States dozens of times, usually a round trip every year for the past sixteen years, and before this year I've never had trouble finding things to do. The trips I take take time, usually two weeks from California to Ohio to visit family, then two…