A New Book of My Old Essays

When the first copies of my photobook, Computational Photography, arrived in January of 2020 I was so utterly pleased with it. I had worked on it with designer Bob Aufuldish for over a year and instead of being what I would have guessed a normal book deign and production process…


Book Review: Mandel’s Zone Eleven

The reviews of Mike Mandel's new book, Zone Eleven, can make you want to write your own review. The photos in the book are made by Ansel Adams but sequenced by Mike Mandel long after Ansel's passing. The sequencing provides the real content of the book, the way one photo…


My Book, at a Library Near You

In the past year and a half, I've occasionally received e-mails that my book, Computational Photography, had been added to this or that library. In all that was going on--not just COVID but three cross-country road trips, and a busy roster of photo projects in progress, I haven't paid much…


Book Review: The First Fifty of Lee Friedlander’s Books

Redmond O'Hanlon's basic writing strategy is to put himself in some remote and dangerous place and to write about how he overcame obstacle after obstacle to his very survival and found his way back. This is a strategy that will be familiar to many artists. Bill Bryson thinks the world…


Essays About the Photographs, Part One (Tour of My Book)

Most of my photobook, Computational Photography, is made up of photographs. Shocker, I know! There are sixteen photo projects and along with each project is an essay. But not your normal essays, though they started out familiar enough. The original idea for the texts was that I would write a…