Landing On Mars

(This is part of series looking back at posts I wrote a decade ago.)  Originally published on November 26, 2011 as "What Audacity Looks Like." Sometimes I get a little jealous of other fields, outside of art, outside of photography. I look at what science and technology have achieved--and continue…

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Things Are More In Focus Now

It's September 2001. The twin towers lay ruined and smoldering in New York City. At the Pentagon there are nightly vigils and there are flowers for the dead. In the small towns of eastern Pennsylvania the only topic of discussion is the plane that fell from the sky. The nation…

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Art, The Endless Frontier

(This is part of series looking back at posts I wrote a decade ago.) Originally published on November 2, 2011 as Chuck Close eyes the money, Steve Jobs envisions art’s importance Chuck Close wants his money. At least from works sold in California. In 1977 California passed the first and…


Televised Anger-Lullibies

Every night when we got to the hotel the outrage-of-the-day was waiting for us. Sometimes it was one of the up-and-comers, maybe Jesse Watters, his goofy frat-boy smirk his natural facial expression at rest. Watters came to national attention on Fox by going to college campuses—a stand-in for liberal hot-spots—and…


Trump Country, 2017

I crossed America by car in the summer of 2017, looking for Trump. I looked for him in truck stops and restrooms, parking lots and malls. I looked for Trump in roadside signs and unplanted fields, in thrift stores and magazine racks. And I found him, though I had to…


Books Under the Tree

Christmas is over, the new year begun, and it's time to put the ornaments away, time to take away the tree. But before I do I wanted to share a few things I found under the tree on Christmas morning. A Middle Earth Traveler (John Howe)Lord of the Rings Sketchbook…


Guided Tour: Hidden Codes On the Cover

(This post is part of a guided tour of my book, Computational Photography, on sale now for $49.95 with free shipping.) If you peel back the dust cover of Computational Photography you can see the actual hardcover of the hardcover book. This is the case cover, in book-speak, and is…


At Least You Didn’t Get An Art Degree

She calls in, hoping to hear advice that will change her life. She wants out of the crushing debt that is defining her, shaping her marriage, constraining their opportunities. She tells Dave Ramsey, the radio show host, the numbers. She and her husband are in debt, way in debt. Ramsey…


The Christmas Lights After Christmas

(This post is a part of a pair of posts on Christmas lights.) Christmas is over but the Christmas lights are still up and a walk around my neighborhood still offers up delightful photographs. For me, the attraction of these isn't the lights so much as the character of Montara…

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The Christmas Lights Before Christmas

(This post is a part of a pair of posts on Christmas lights.) I do a poor job here of differentiating between photographs I take which are snapshots, just like everyone else's, and serious photographs, art photographs. Most every photograph on this blog is a snapshot. Once in a while…