Gear Review: Still Flummoxed by the Peak Design Travel Tripod

In my review of the Peak Design Travel Tripod I mentioned that I had lost the hanging hook, the cap on the bottom of the center extension pole, the first time I had used it. I had taken the hook off to extract the hidden iPhone holder and when I then went replace the hanging hook I couldn’t get it to fit back in. I was in a hurry, and in my rush it was too much to deal with, so I put the hook in my shirt pocket.

When I later pulled my reading glasses from that pocket the hook must have fallen into the dirt at Badlands National Park.

Peak Design kindly sent me a new one at no cost. They also send a card with instructions on how to remove and replace the hanging hook. Very kind of them–but should a hanging hook need instructions?

Here’s the trick:

To remove the hook, grab the collar of the hook–not the hook itself!–and pull down and twist.

To reattach the hook, grab the hook itself–not the collar!–and push in and twist.

I’ll get used to it in time, I suppose.

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