Want to Subscribe? Please Try Again.

  • Post category:Technology

Housekeeping note: If you’ve tried to subscribe in the past but never received a confirmation e-mail or that e-mail arrived too late, please try again. There was an error in the settings of the mailing list service I use and they did not clearly notify me that the problem existed. Some people would get e-mails to confirm their subscription, some would not. I think I have fixed it.

If you haven’t subscribed, please consider it. On those days when I publish a new post an e-mail notification will be sent out the next morning. That’s it. I don’t collect data or send marketing e-mails of any kind and, of course, I do not share my e-mail list with anyone. In each notification e-mail there is an unsubscribe link which, if you click on it, will take you off of the list–though who would ever want to do that?

(And, if all else fails, just drop me a note with your e-mail address via my contact form on my photo portfolio site and I can easily add your e-mail manually: https://www.darinboville.com/contact )