(Note: This article is part of a series.)
January 21, 1940
Notes of Camera World
In a roundup, the book Graphic and Graflex Photography is highlighted with a list of chapters:
“…Ansel Adams gives advice on print-making…

June 9, 1940
Diverse Attractions At the Golden Gate Fair. Old Masters, North and South American Contemporaries Are Well Represented.
A roundup of art exhibits at the Golden Gate Fair. A photography show that Ansel helped curate is mentioned at the beginning of the fourth subsection.
“Several Galleries are given over to a Pageant of Photography, directed by Ansel Adams and T.J. Maloney.”

December 31, 1940
Photography Gains Recognition As Art. Modern Museum Sets Up Department for It.
Lists Anse, in its second-to-last paragraph, l as vice-chairman of a committee assisting the formation of the new department of Photography.

January 5, 1941
For the Photographer. Modern Museum, With an Exhibit of Sixty Pictures, Surveys Camera Aesthetics
Ansel listed as co-organizer, with Beaumont Newhall, of MOMA’s Department of Photography’s first show.

May 11, 1941
Notes of Camera World
A roundup of photography-related events. Ansel is listed as giving a lecture entitled “Revelation of the lens.”

August 31, 1941
Notes of the Camera World
Mentions Ansel image included in British War Relief auction.

November 18, 1941
Books of the Times
Ansel listed as included in the annual U.S. Camera.

January 9, 1942
Modern Museum Plans New Shows
Brief mention that Ansel is planning a new show at the museum.

January 13, 1942
‘Wrathful Christ’ Given to Museum
Mentions an image by Ansel included in a display of recent acquisitions at MOMA.

February 26, 1942
Art Notes
Lead paragraph talks about an exhibition of Civil War images Ansel is curating for MOMA.

May 2, 1943
Army Invades the National Parks
Large photo by Ansel showing soldiers on a bridge in Yosemite.

July 4, 1943
Ikes Sees Curtailed Park Use
Photo of soldiers in Jeeps and soldiers in Yosemite by Ansel

January 25, 1945
Water-Colors Depict Life of St. Francis
In short roundup of art events, Ansel is listed as offering two six-week photography courses.

December 8, 1946
California Is Still ‘Super-Colossal’. More Tourists Than One Can Count, Good Food, Even Hotel Rooms.
Features a large photo by Ansel of visitors on horses with Lower Yosemite Fall sin the background. The credit line reads “Ansel Adams from Genreau.” A smaller photo in the article is credited to Genreau.

May 25, 1947
Diversity In Groups. A Review of Portraits And Other Events.
In a roundup of art exhibits it is noted that “Ansel Adams obtains breath-taking distance in his landscape shots.”

June 11, 1947
Exhibition Honors Alfred Stieglitz. Memorial Show of Modernist’s Photos, Diverse Collection, Is Offered at Museum.
Mention of Ansel’s work being included in the Photo-Secessionist Group of images.

August 24, 1947
Most Contemporary of Our States
(Book review of California In Our Time: 1900- 1940. By Robert Glass Cleland.)
Image by Ansel (Lone Pine) is featured from the book.

November 23, 1947
News Notes Along Camera Row
A roundup of photography-related events. A lecture by Ansel on “Interpretation of the natural scene” is highlighted.

December 7, 1947
Reportage Defined. Interpretation, Not Merely Exactness, Is Desirable.
A long article summarizing in-depth a lecture by Ansel on the different kinds of photography. (Note that attending the lecture and quoted in the article are (W.) Eugene Smith and Philip Halsman, who do not agree with Ansel.

December 21, 1947
The Reference Shelf
(Review of The World Book Encyclopedia and Britannica Junior)
Mentions that Ansel wrote the photography section in the updated World Book Encyclopedia.

December 21, 1947
Stieglitz and Weston: Two Outstanding Masters of Camera Art
Book reviews of a book of Steiglitz’s work and one of Weston’s work.
Includes Ansel’s name in a list of those who have contributed tributes to the Stieglitz book.

December 28, 1947
Camera Notes
Primarily a review of the annual U.S. Camera, 1948. mentions the inclusion of an Ansel image.

February 22, 1948
Guide for ‘Serious’ Beginners
A review of Ansel’s book, Camera & Lens, the first in a series of technical books.

April 12, 1948
Guggenheim Fund Grants 112 Awards. Fellowships Totaling $300,000 Go to Scholars and Artists in U.S. and Canada.
Ansel is listed as an awardee.

May 2, 1948
People Who Read and Write
Ansel’s Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada is included in a list of upcoming books.

June 13, 1948
Contrast In Schools. Examples of Two Ways of Teaching Photography.
Two shows of student work, one from the California School of Fine Arts where Ansel set up the curriculum.

August 1, 1948
Camera Notes. Outstanding Prints of the Last 100 Years.
Mentions Ansel’s inclusion in a show at MOMA, “Fifty Photographs by Fifty Photographers,” curated by Edward Steichen.

November 28, 1948
Camera Notes. Photo League’s Exhibition — Book for Beginners.
Includes Ansel’s name in list of photographers included in Photo League show.

December 12, 1948
For Better Pictures. Ansel Adams’ Program for Improving Photography.
Detailed summary of article by Ansel which appeared in the Annual of the Photographic Society of America.

January 2, 1949
Pictures In the Snow. Winter Scenes Challenge Photographer’s Skill.
At the end of an article on photographing snow, Ansel’s book The Negative is briefly reviewed.

January 16, 1948
Our Last Wilderness
A short review of Ansel’s Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada appears at the end of a two-book review column.

April 3, 1949
Camera Notes. ‘Photo Notes’ Is Revamped — Photography Courses.
Work by Ansel is included in a re-designed Photo-League publication.

June 5, 1949
An Eloquent Novel of “Place.” Mr. Clark Explores an Elemental Theme in the Mountains of Nevada THE TRACK OF THE CAT. By Walter Van Tilburg Clark.
A photograph by Ansel illustrates a book review.

September 25, 1949
Trainings In Technique. Goal of California Course Is Creative Expression.
A summary of the curriculum of the photography department at the California School of Fine Arts. Mentions Ansel’s name in connection with Ansel’s “system of tone identification.”.

October 23, 1949
Camera Notes. PSA Awards 66 Annual Honors — Range Finder.
Ansel is listed as an awardee of a fellowship from the Photographic Society of America.

November 23, 1949
Lists Ansel’s work as included in The Selected Writings of John Marin by Dorothy Norman.

December 11, 1949
Stieglitz: His Pictures Collected Him. The late photographer’s lifetime accumulation of modern art goes, as he wished, to the public.
A long profile of Alfred Stieglitz, written by Georgia O’Keefe, spread over five pages. Ansel is mentioned as one of the photographers Stieglitz showed.

December 11, 1949
The Grandeur of the Yosemite
A short review of Ansel’s My Camera In Yosemite Valley with a large photo by Ansel.